Joshua Frankel
AMO at Fulton Center

Photo by Ryan Speth

AMO at Fulton Center

Photo by Ryan Speth

AMO at Fulton Center

Photo by Ryan Speth

A Marvelous Order
Site-specific adapation of two scenes
River To River Festival

We performed excerpts of A Marvelous Order at the new Fulton Center transit hub, in a site-specific adaptation commissioned by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to open the 2017 River To River Festival.

Our Robert Moses, Dashon Burton, and the opera's ensemble performed on all levels of the station, woven into the Fulton Center's unique ballet of passing subway trains, commuters and shoppers.

Meanwhile, we "took over" fifty video advertising screens in throughout the space - plus one across the street - with my animation.

The way in which this presentation wedded story, concept and aesthetic to place felt just right - creating this performance is an experience that I will always treasure.